How to boost your immune system for Coronavirus

Hand sanitizer and social distancing isn't enough

There has never been a more important time to talk about how resilient our bodies can be when we are fuelled by the right food. 

We are surrounded by deadly viruses on and around our bodies every day, but when our immune systems are strong, we stand a better chance of being resilient to these environmental viruses and chronic lifestyles disease. 

It is a concerning time, and it need not be concerning if we build resilience. 

Join Nicolette Richer, Regenerative Medicine Expert, on this live webinar as she shares the tools and tips to keep you well and thriving, and to help you navigate this time. 

Presented by


Nicolette Richer

Nicolette Richer is a Regenerative Medicine Educator, entrepreneur, author, Doctoral student and speaker. She is a savvy wellness facilitator and a renowned environmental and sustainability expert, with an insatiable desire to learn and educate. Nicolette transforms people with chronic disease or cancer into conquerors of their condition through nutrition. Nicolette speaks regularly to captivated audiences about boosting the immune system, prevention of disease and infection, and healing cancer + chronic disease through nutrition and detoxification.